Finansavisen and Dagbladet feature
CSUSA are from time to time contacted by local and national media outlets when the topic of an article/story is combining studies with sports on a scholarship.
This summer, Managing Director and Co-Founder Kim Moe Krohn was interviewed by Norwegian national newspaper Finansavisen (Financial Times), answering questions about scholarship opportunities for international student-athletes in the US. If you missed the article – check it out HERE.
The article also made it to Dagbladet web newspaper in short form. Check it out HERE.
College Scholarships USA help talented athletes to obtain sports scholarships (in sports like soccer, tennis, golf, swimming, track&field and more) and study at college/university in the United States. CSUSA will evaluate your scholarship opportunities in America for free if you complete the Free Assessment form.
In Norwegian:College Scholarships USA hjelper taltentfulle utøvere med å få idrettsstipend / sportsstipend (innen fotball / soccer, tennis, golf, svømming, friidrett m.m) og å studere på college / universitet i USA. CSUSA evaluerer dine sjanser for et stipend på college i USA helt gratis om du fyller ut Gratis Evaluering. Det tar to minutter og er helt uten forpliktelser!
In Swedish: College Scholarships USA hjälper duktiga idrottande studenter att få sport stipendium (fotboll, tennis, golf, simmning, hockey m.m) och studera på college / universitet i USA. CSUSA kommer att gratis utvädera dina stipendie möjligheter på college i USA om du fyller i en Kostnadsfri Intresseanmälan. Det tar bara två minuter – helt utan förpliktelser.